Landing Page Template 2
This is the first page paragraph. It is automatically displayed as first landing page section. The landing page appearing effect is automatically applied to it.
Tip: Steps to Create a Landing Page: Admin Panel -> Left Menu -> Pages -> Open/Create a Page, then set ‘Landing Page’ as a Template from the Right Menu. That’s All 🙂
This is the second page paragraph. It is automatically displayed as second landing page section. The landing page appearing effect is automatically applied to it.
Tip: The theme comes with 5 different Landing Page Templates.
This is the third page paragraph. It is automatically displayed as third landing page section. The landing page appearing effect is automatically applied to it.
Tip: All of the page paragraphs are automatically converted as landing page sections.
This is the fourth page paragraph. It is automatically displayed as fourth landing page section. The landing page appearing effect is automatically applied to it.
Tip: The ‘Featured Image’ is displayed as background to the landing page template.
This is the last page paragraph. It is automatically displayed as last landing page section. It remains to the screen when user scrolls to the end of the landing page.